
Publications & Conference

Research papers published on advanced topics in esteemed journals


On-going Projects

Numerous ongoing projects in AI and ML focused on fascinating topics



Advanced Sensors and Computational equipment

Dr. Nagarajan Ganapathy

"There is immense potential for AI and machine learning to transform healthcare by improving diagnosis, treatment, and patient outcomes. However, it is important to recognize that these technologies are not a panacea, and they must be developed and implemented responsibly, with a focus on equity, privacy, and patient-centered care."


Research Interests

Affective Computing
Big Data Analysis
Medical Bioinformatics

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PostDoc - Medical Informatics - PLRI Institute Of Medical Informatics, TU Braunschweig, Germany
Ph.D - Biomedical Engineering - Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
M.E - Computer Science - Anna University
B.Tech - Information Technology - Anna University


Post Doctrol Fellow - PLRI Insitute of Medical Informatics, TU, Braunschweig, Germany
Senior Research Fellow - Indian Institute Of Technology, Madras
Institute Pre-Doctoral Fellow - Indian Institute Of Technology, Madras
Visiting Reasearch Scientist - TU Braunschweig, Germany


International and National Publications in 30+ journals
DAAD - Bi-National Guided Research Fellowship, Germany
Institute Pre-dcotrol Fellowship, MHRD
HTRA grant, MHRD


Reviewer board - IEEE Biomedical Health Informatics
Reviewer board - Biomedical Signal Processing and Control System, Elsevier
Reviewer board - Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Springer
Member - IEEE Professional
Member - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik

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We create impactful technologies in Healthcare using latest tools of Hardware and Software

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Curious about the tech we work on?

Affective Computing, AI classification, Landmark & Pose estimation, Non Invasive Medical devices
These are just the starting points...

Healthcare Analytics in Automobiles

Multi modal sensing of the driver data in automobiles
The data collected through these devices can be used to monitor the driver's vital signs, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and glucose levels. The insights derived from the analysis of this data can help healthcare providers to deliver personalized care to the driver
Check out more here

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